- u-blox NEO-6M onboard, with high-gain active antenna
- IPX interface, for connecting different active antennas
- Chargeable backup battery, keeps the ephemeris data when power down, supports hot starts
- Onboard EEPROM for storing config information
- TTL level, compatible with 3.3V/5V systems
- Default baud rate 9600, configurable via u-center
- GPS Navigator
- Quadcopter Positioning
How to Use
In the case of working with a MCU:
- VCC: connects to 3.3V/5V
- GND: connects to GND
- TXD: connects to MCU.RX
- RXD: connects to MCU.TX
- PPS: connects to MCU.IO, timepulse output (optional)
GPS UART Module Neo 6
SKU: 146